750,000 HERS Ratings Completed in Ekotrope RATER!

Just under a year ago, we shared what we’d learned from 500,000 ratings submitted via Ekotrope RATER. Today we are excited to share that we have breached 750,000 HERS ratings completed in Ekotrope!

In 2010, an MIT professor by the name of Ed Crawley began working on the design of his new home, he found it surprisingly difficult to find a cost-effective way to model his home’s projected energy usage. In his research, Ed found that all of the information he needed to do so was out there, but it was spread out among various people and organizations. He also found that he wasn’t the only one experiencing this problem; this issue went all the way up the stream to huge residential building companies and state utility programs alike.

Fast forward to today and Ekotrope has helped home energy raters, builders, utility companies, and building product manufacturers streamline their workflows, make better-informed energy decisions, and share critical data more effectively. In doing so, builders have been able to construct thousands of energy efficient homes across the country more easily and efficiently than ever before.

We are incredibly grateful to all of you who choose to use Ekotrope every day. Thank you all for your support. Next up, 1 million! 😉


Section 45L Tax Credit - Past, Present, and Future


Utility Programs Update - April 2022