How Ekotrope Works with Utility Program Implementers

Ekotrope provides the world’s most widely used HERS rating software, with nearly 80% of all HERS Ratings being modeled and analyzed by Ekotrope RATER. The direct integration of Ekotrope into an implementer’s new homes program allows for both organizations to leverage their expertise to manage a program that meets raters where they are. With a program supported by Ekotrope, you can embed program requirements, submission processes and savings recommendations directly into the rating software that raters use daily. 

How Does it Work?

For residential new construction programs, raters submit their projects directly to the utility’s account in Ekotrope RATER via a custom submission button. This holding account provides the implementer program administrators with immediate and ongoing access to the details of homes submitted to the respective program by participating raters. We layer in a variety of features to reduce the amount of administrative work necessary to submit a project to the residential new construction program. 

Why Choose Ekotrope?

Our distinct capabilities like automated QA/QC, embedded rebate calculations and 1-click application submission take the guesswork out of energy modeling. Ekotrope RATER can automatically flag any potential flaws and even prevent the submission of projects with obvious inaccuracies. Ekotrope RATER ensures that the program team doesn’t waste time on incomplete or unqualified applications and dramatically reduces paperwork, and back-and-forth communication with program managers.

In addition to all of our standard features that are included in an Ekotrope CORE program, we have options to configure your program to meet whatever needs the utility has. We work with our implementers to make sure that the utility is fully satisfied, as well as the program administrator team.

Have a utility new construction program that you need help with? Reach out to Ekotrope today!


Q3 Utility Programs Update


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