Identify the Right Builders for Your Products

Whether you’re struggling to branch out of your local market, or looking to expand your contacts throughout the US, it can be challenging for Building Product Manufacturers to know which are the right builders to connect with to make a real impact on your bottom line.

The solution to overcoming these challenges is Ekotrope’s suite of data products, including SmartSearch Prospecting. Our insights were born at MIT, and are characterized by our commitment to quality and customer service. Read on to learn more from Ekotrope.

What is SmartSearch Prospecting from Ekotrope?

SmartSearch Prospecting is a proprietary business development tool from Ekotrope that gives sales and marketing executives the information they need to reach the builders who are most likely to adopt your products. You know your target audience better than anyone, but it’s an immense challenge to know which builders throughout the US suit your profile. That’s where SmartSearch Prospecting can help.

How SmartSearch Prospecting Enhances Your Efforts

You work hard to reach the right builders who’ll see the value in your products. But even with targeted marketing and advertising, it isn’t always easy to know where to begin when you’re looking at a huge potential market area. 

Ekotrope’s SmartSearch Prospecting helps make life easier for sales and marketing executives in the building product manufacturing industry by giving you access to insights from almost 1 million HERS-rated homes in our ever-expanding database. Create a builder persona to reflect your ideal client, and use our insights to determine exactly who to contact! 

Ekotrope’s unique data helps illuminate the best markets and even specific builders who fit your ideal custom builder persona, reducing the hours you have to spend on research, strategy, and pursuing dead-end leads. Ekotrope’s Building Product Solutions are cloud-based, making them easy to access from anywhere in the world. There are no bulky downloads or constant updates—just a convenient business intelligence resource to boost your competitive advantage and increase your sales. 

SmartSearch Prospecting allows you to reach the perfect cross-section of:

  • Markets that need products like yours

  • Builders who are excited about offerings like yours

  • Businesses who are most likely to adopt your products

Why Ekotrope Is Your Best Prospecting Asset

Ekotrope is here to help with the perfect solution for building product manufacturers in every market! Our insights offer capabilities from Scenario Modeling for business analytics purposes to market research and more. Even better, Ekotrope’s building science experts will help you calibrate your dashboard to meet the strongest prospects and achieve the best results from the start. 

Get started with your custom Market Intelligence Dashboard to interpret the results of the hundreds of thousands of home HERS ratings collected in our national database, which continues to grow at a rate of over 250,000 per year, allowing you to continually refine and develop your criteria for even more powerful results. 

Enjoy a more efficient sales process with Ekotrope! Call (617) 863-7750 or contact us online.


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